Citizens Against Tyranny in America

                               Why Trump Republicans are Winning their War against Democracy

The simple answer is PROPAGANDA. The Republicans are much more effective at spreading lies across America, than the Democrats are at spreading the truth. The Republicans greatest success is making America believe that they have the 2022 election in the bag. They have almost every news outlet, and even most Democrats convinced that they can't win. This is absurd. Just 26% of Americans are registered Republicans. 30% are Democrats. That means 44% are registered as Independents, with 31 % voting with democrats, while 26% with republicans When they say that 85% of Republicans support Trump and his followers, that sounds like a big number. However, 85% of Republicans are only 19% of the country. The greatest problem we have is, the gerrymandering that the Republicans have engineered. That is the only chance they have of winning, if they can sway the Democrats to stay home and not vote. The truth is, and it is difficult for most Americans to understand, is that many corporations are at war with the democratic process. They do not want to pay their share of taxes, and be regulated by the government to protect us from pollution and other abuses. That is why they are giving billions of dollars in dark money to the Republicans.

Today, I watched  the CEO's of a number of large corporations, telling the American people that inflation would continue until next year. These are the guys who are making many millions of dollars per year, while doing no more work than the average small business owner employing 50 people. What they were actually saying is that they will continue to raise their prices until the elections next year. What they call inflation is nothing more than price fixing. They have joined together to make it look like Biden and the democrats are causing this. Inflation is defined as a situation where demand for goods is much higher than the supply, thus allowing the suppliers to raise their prices, and the consumers paying the inflated price. If the suppliers cost were inflated, it would be natural for the prices to go up. However,  consorting with other suppliers to withhold  the goods from market in order to raise prices is an anti-trust violation.  What we have here is the suppliers withholding their goods through various means. They also have another reason beside profits for their actions.  They are trying to intimidate the president into not making them pay their fair share of taxes. We have oil companies talking about market forces causing the price of gasoline to go up. They are the market forces driving up the cost of heating fuel and gasoline. They are the ones who will make it impossible for many people to heat their homes this winter. Does it not seem strange to you that this started when Biden became president, as he  started trying to help the people who actually pay taxes, instead of those who refuse to pay. They get away with this because the have most legislators in their pockets. This is due to the Citizens United decision by John Roberts, who was appointed Chief Justice after he helped George Bush steal the election in 2000. They have used this decision to buy most Republicans, who fight anything that does not benefit the rich. Are Americans too stupid to remain a democracy? It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to see what is going on. You are being fed so much propaganda that you can't even think straight. Do not buy this crap they are feeding you, and if possible quit buying the crap they are overcharging you for. We can fight back if we understand what they are doing to us. They have their warehouses full as they say there are shortages. They say the supply chain is broken. Once again, the supply chain is composed of large corporations who are in on this conspiracy against America. While I have the utmost respect for transportation Secretary Butigieg, I am not sure that being the Mayor of a small midwestern town prepared him for the massive emergency that has developed in our transportation system. Who could have foreseen this? Under normal circumstances, I am sure his extreme intelligence would have made it possible to handle his position.  However, with what is going on now, Joe Biden needs to lend him some assistance. I think bringing in military logistical experts to help him would be a wise move. Perhaps even using General Honore as a laison between the White House and military would be useful. While this might sound like an attack on a good Democrat, this campaign is one of NPC, meaning no political correctness. Anything we see as a threat to winning the House and the Senate will be exposed. We are in an information war with the Republicans, and our Democracy will not survive a loss.

Today, many Americans are wondering why, even with a slim hold on the three branches of government,  the Democrats can barely get anything done. This is a misconception, because they have managed to get most Americans vaccinated, despite a massive propaganda campaign against them by the Republican party, and their corporate masters. These corporations, through their use of dark money, have so much control of the Republican party, that they do not even give a thought to their constituents needs.  Meanwhile, the Democrats passed a trillion dollar bailout for Americans suffering from the fallout of the pandemic. Have you forgotten the sixteen hundred dollars that appeared in your bank account, without you having to do anything. Or the three hundred dollars for each child you have, appearing in your account each month. Or maybe the six hundred extra dollars you received each week while you were unemployed. Americans really have short memories, and are very easily fooled. Don't you remember the republicans fighting tooth and nail to prevent you from getting this aid, which saved our economy. You were not even aware of the propaganda you were being fed by the news media, telling you that Biden is an idiot because he has a stammer. Or that it took too long to get the infrastructure bill passed. Did you not realize that the democrats had to fight off republicans and a few democrats, who are deep in corporate and super rich pockets, to get this passed? You might say that CNN And MSNBC do not feed you propaganda. Like I said, many Americans are easily fooled. Both of these networks are owned by giant corporations, who are as adverse to paying their fair share of taxes as Amazon. They are as guilty as most American corporations of this behavior. For example, CNN's parent company only paid 3% of their income in taxes last year, and they received back over 12 billion from Trump's tax breaks for the wealthy scheme. I watch these channels, but I am aware of their subliminal messaging, which every hour inserts little negative snips about Biden. One way they do this is by stating a negative thing that is going on, and then show Biden discussing it. This attaches him to the negative aspects of the problem, thus lowering his approval. This is just one way they control your thinking. Another way is constantly having people like Marjorie Taylor Green and Matt Gaetz spouting their vitriol over and over. They show the clips of their appearances on Fox News as much as Fox does. While many realize how unsavory these two are, anything heard over and over begins to take on an aura of truth in the human mind. While your common sense tells you these two would not recognize the truth if it hit them in the face, you are still absorbing this BS and becoming more accepting of it. So, when the man calls you and asks  what you think of the job Biden is doing, you say he's not doing a very good job.  Then the MSNBC reporter reports that Biden, and thus all those democrats who are  trying to hold onto the House in the midterms, have only a 40% rating among Americans, and they are going to lose the midterms. So you say, I'm going to sit this next election out, and sure enough the Republicans win. The same people who tried their best to keep you from getting that money, and also that good job that will come along  when they start all that infrastructure work. You just put their ass back in office. So do you think that they are going to do anything to improve Americans lives. Hell no. They are going to send more money and power to the top 1% who are paying them off. Even if these jerks don't win, they are going to claim the election was stolen, and this time, they might get away with an insurrection. 

One of the biggest problems we have in America, is that about 25% of us are ignorant a**holes. I'm from the South,  so I know um when I see um. They are of the same mind as those who started the civil war. Idiots who walk around in fatigues and carrying a gun. People who  wouldn't last a week in the real military. Losers who have failed at most things they've tried, but who are accepted by the other losers they've met on the internet. They hate immigrants who have came to this country, and through hard work have achieved the American dream. All this, while they sat on their lazy butts, drinking beer and playing violent video games. Then, we have the next 25%. They are generally hard working men, not too well educated, and not exactly deep thinkers. While they have been mostly tolerant of different races, the violence associated with the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, have awoke their anger at black people. They have become Trumpies, because he himself is a racist. Then, we have the commercials that almost every corporation is playing these days. It is the one's that in almost every instance have a black man with a white woman.  Logic would tell you that the population is about 35% white women, and only 7% are black men. So obviously, every white woman is not with a black man. That does not matter. These commercials have created a lot of animosity among white men. I believe that is the purpose of these commercials. To push more white men, and some women into the Trumpy fold of Republicans. The Republican party obviously cannot get elected by their good deeds, so they must use every form of trickery available to them, which is plentiful. My advice would be, if you find these ads offensive, or you realize that they are just trying to pull your chain, then boycott the companies who are doing this. Money is the bottom line with these people, so hit them where it hurts. We will be making a list of the corporations who are using this tactic, because they are not doing this to promote racial harmony, but just the opposite. When you are dealing with people who's only interest is the bottom line, Boycott is a powerful tool, and it will be in our tool chest.

The most important thing to remember, is you are being propagandized from every direction. One of the greatest misconceptions is, what people think about Capitalism, and Socialism. The average American has been led to believe that Capitalism is good, and Socialism is bad. The word Capitalism comes from the word capital, which means money. Capitalist are obsessed with making money. Socialism comes from the word social. Social basically means for the good of all. Under Capitalism, the capitalist try to make as much money as they can for themselves. The bottom line is all that counts. Under true Socialism, the state controls most businesses, with the object of protecting the citizenry from the obsessive greed of the capitalist. This is the type of Socialism the most people associate with the Soviet Union. Under the types of Socialism you find in most industrialized nations, called democratic Socialism, the government dose not control most businesses. The intent of collecting taxes is to use the money to improve the lives of the people paying the taxes. What we have going on in the US is a lot of the tax dollars are used to benefit the wealthy, who avoid paying their share of taxes. This leaves the working class to support the nation, while receiving very few benefits from their tax dollars. What the present government is trying to do is realign the gap between the benefits the wealthy receive, and what the average taxpayer receives. Since John Roberts and the Supreme Court in the Citizens United ruling, the corporations and wealthy families have gained an enormous advantage over the working class. In that ruling the Court ruled that spending unregulated  and secret money for political purposes is classed as freedom of speech. So, the wealthy can donate as much money as they want to politicians. The result of this is what we now see in the Republican party. Complete disregard for the ordinary citizens, while enacting laws that only benefit the wealthy. We also have a few democrats who are becoming quite wealthy doing the bidding of their corporate masters. The most blatant example of this is Senators Manchin and Senima. They are openly seeking donations from the same wealthy donors while holding up legislation which effect those same donors. Amazingly, this is not against the law since the Supreme court made it that way. I would really like to know what scheme they have developed to compensate these justices for their compliance

Citizens Against Tyranny in America is a  political action committee whose purpose is to run political ads correcting the lies and false propaganda spread by those who are trying to destroy our democracy, particularly in the battle ground states. Please join our Movement as we try to educate Americans on the methods used to destroy our democracy. We will use the medium most watched by Americans to gather information. TV clips pointing out the truth about the actions of Republican politicians to line their pockets with dark money, as they consolidate their power to create a dictatorship. This will allow them to stay in power no matter what the voters of this country decide. We must stop this now, or we will be living in just another fascist dictatorship. If you wish to donate to our cause, which is running ads to   neutralize the republican propaganda machine, you can contribute at Thank you. We are an FEC registered Political action committee
